LCODE is a freely-distributed code for simulations of plasma wakefield acceleration. The quasistatic approximation is used for calculating plasma response. The beams are modeled by fully relativistic macro-particles.
Try it nowTheory
You can learn more about quasistatic modeling and code details in the following papers:
Quasistatic model:
LCODE 2D has been used to model a large number of problems and has shown good agreement with experimental results and other codes
Wakefield acceleration in the quasistatic approximation is simulated several orders of magnitude faster than with conventional PIC codes
Feel free to contact us at team@lcode.info for assistance and consultation.
Executable for Windows
Install MSMPI (runtime) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/message-passing-interface/microsoft-mpi For serial running: put lcode.exe in working directory with your lcode.cfg and run it with double-click For parallel running: put lcode.exe in working directory with your lcode.cfg and run 'mpiexec -n <cpu-number> lcode.exe' in command line If you have any problem with it, feel free to contact us.
Executable for Linux
`lcode-mpi-halfbaked.run`, should be executed on working host, will perform the final compilation step, linking the otherwise-precompiled LCODE with that host's MPI. This is theoretically unsupported, but works like a charm. It will produce lcode in current directory. If you have any problem with it, feel free to contact us.