Units ===== We use cylindrical coordinates :math:`(r, \varphi, \xi)` for the axisymmetric geometry and Cartesian coordinates :math:`(x, y, \xi)` for the 3d geometry. The beam propagates in positive :math:`\xi`-direction. The code works with dimensionless quantities. Units of measure depend on some basic plasma density :math:`n_0`. It is recommended to use the initial unperturbed plasma density as :math:`n_0`. All times are in units of :math:`\omega_p^{-1}`, where :math:`\omega_p = \sqrt{4 \pi n_0 e^2/m}` is the electron plasma frequency, :math:`e` is the elementary charge, and :math:`m` is the electron mass. All distances are in units of :math:`c/\omega_p`. The unit velocity is :math:`c`. The notation used and units of measure for various quantities are given in old `manual `_, p. 3. .. raw:: html