
To use diagnostics, you must import corresponding classes and include a list of diagnostics in the Simulation:

from lcode.simulation import Simulation
from lcode.diagnostics import FXiDiag, FXiType, OutputType, ParticlesDiag
from lcode.diagnostics import SliceDiag, SliceType, SliceValue
sim = Simulation(config=config, diagnostics = [Diag1(...), Diag2(...), ...])

This section will describe what can be transferred to the diagnostics list.


You can use several diagnostics of the same type, but be sure to specify a different directory_name for each.


These keys control output of various quantities as functions of \(\xi\), either in the form of a graph, or in the form of a data array.

class lcode.diagnostics.FXiDiag(output_period, saving_xi_period, f_xi, output_type, probe_lines, directory_name)
  • output_period (default: 100)

  • saving_xi_period (default: 100)

  • f_xi (default: FxiType.Ez)

  • output_type (default: OutputType.NUMBERS)

  • probe_lines (default: 0)

  • directory_name (default: None)


The period at which the diagnostics is triggered. If ∆tout < ∆t, then the diagnostics is called at each time step.


The period in \(\xi\) at which data is dumped to disk.


This property is experimental. Choosing a small value may slow down program execution.


Selecting a value to output.

  • FXiType.E: All components of the electric field. You can also select the component you want to display by using Ex, Ey, Ez, Er, Ef instead of E.

  • FXiType.B: All components of the magnetic field. You can also select the component you want to display by using Bx, By, Bz, Bf instead of B.

  • FXiType.n: Electron and ion density of the plasma. You can also select the component you want to display by using ne or ni instead of n.

  • FxiType.rho_beam: Charge density of the beam.

  • FxiType.Phi: Wakefield potential (currently only works in 3D).

FXiType is imported from lcode.diagnostics.


You can combine any values: FxiType.Ez | FxiType.Bx | FxiType.n


Data output format. It can be OutputType.NUMBERS, OutputType.PICTURES or OutputType.ALL, where OutputType is imported from lcode.diagnostics.

  • OutputType.NUMBERS: Output data in the form of numpy structured array.

  • OutputType.PICTURES: Output data in the form of png plots.

  • OutputType.ALL: Two above options at once.


Selecting an offset in x, y (r for 2D) from the axis.

Use a number, list or np.ndarray.

  • When using the number x, the resulting shift is (x, 0) [or x in r for 2D].

  • When using a one-dimensional array [x1, x2, …], the diagnostics will output data for shifts (x1, 0), (x2, 0), … [or x1, x2, … for 2D].

  • When using a two-dimensional array [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], …], diagnostics will output data for shifts (x1, y1), (x2, y2), … [or \(r_i = \sqrt{x_i^2 + y_i^2}\) for 2D].


Select the folder in which the diagnostics will be saved. By default, the files will be saved in the diagnostics/ folder. When you specify the example directory_name, the files will be saved along the diagnsotics/example/ path.


These keys control output of various quantities as functions of 2 coordinates, either in the form of a colored map, or in the form of a data array.

class lcode.diagnostics.SliceDiag(slice_type, slice_value, output_type, limits, offset, output_period, saving_xi_period, directory_name)
  • slice_type (default: SliceType.XI_X)

  • slice_value (default: SliceValue.Ez)

  • output_type (default: OutputType.NUMBERS)

  • limits (default: [[0, inf], [-inf, inf]])

  • offset (default: 0)

  • output_period (default: 100)

  • saving_xi_period (default: 100)

  • directory_name (default: None)


Selecting a plane (2 coordinates) for output.

  • SliceType.XI_X

  • SliceType.XI_Y

  • SliceType.X_Y

  • SliceType.XI_R [Equivalent to XI_X]

SliceType is imported from lcode.diagnostics.


Selecting a value to output.

  • SliceValue.E: All components of the electric field. You can also select the component you want to display by using Ex (Ey, Ez, Er, Ef) instead of E.

  • SliceValue.B: All components of the magnetic field. You can also select the component you want to display by using Bx (By, Bz, Bf) instead of B.

  • SliceValue.n: Electron and ion density of plasma. You can also select the component you want to display by using ne (ni) instead of n.

  • SliceValue.rho_beam: Density of beam.

  • SliceValue.Phi: Wake potential. (currently only works in 3D)

SliceValue is imported from lcode.diagnostics.


You can combine any values: SliceValue.Ez | SliceValue.Bx | SliceValue.n


Data output format. It can be OutputType.NUMBERS, OutputType.PICTURES or OutputType.ALL, where OutputType is imported from lcode.diagnostics.

  • OutputType.NUMBERS: Output data in the form of numpy structured array.

  • OutputType.PICTURES: Output data in the form of png plots.

  • OutputType.ALL: Two previous points at the same time.


Selecting a subwindow for output. By default, the entire window is displayed.

You need to use a two-dimensional list, np.ndarray like [[from1, to1], [from2, to2]]. Where 1 and 2 are the coordinates corresponding to the SliceType.

If you go beyond the limits, the limit will be returned to the window border.


Responsible for shifting from the axis along a coordinate that is not specified in SliceType.

For example, offset set to x for slice XI_X means x shift along the Y coordinate.


The period with which the diagnosis is triggered. If ∆tout < ∆t, then diagnostics will be called at every step.


The intermediate period with which data is flushed to disk.


This property is experimental. Changing it may slow down program execution.


Select the folder in which the diagnostics will be saved. By default, the files will be saved in the diagnostics/ folder. When you specify the example directory_name, the files will be saved along the diagnsotics/example/ path.


Output plasma and beam particles

class lcode.diagnostics.SliceDiag(slice_type, slice_value, output_type, limits, offset, output_period, saving_xi_period, directory_name)
  • save_beam (default: false)

  • save_plasma (default: false)

  • output_period (default: 100)

  • saving_xi_period (default: 100)

  • directory_name (default: None)


If set to true, beam_<t>.npz files are output to diagnostics/directory_name every output_period.


If set to true, plasma_electrons_<t>.npz (and plasma_ions_<t>.npz for movable ions) files are output to diagnostics/directory_name every output_period.


The period with which the diagnosis is triggered. If ∆tout < ∆t, then diagnostics will be called at every step.


The intermediate period with which plasma state is flushed to disk into diagnostic/snapshot folder.


Select the folder in which the diagnostics will be saved. By default, the files will be saved in the diagnostics/ folder. When you specify the example directory_name, the files will be saved along the diagnsotics/example/ path.